STEM & Robotics
STEM Club meetings and activities focus on events that allow students to have first-hand experience with technology, math, engineering and the sciences. Club challenges, movies and work-time on projects all are possibilities for our meeting time guided by student leaders. Participation is dependent on the individual and may include field trips to NE Indiana TechFest, local work places, robotics competitions and/or the TSA State and National Competition. TSA (Technology Student Association) is an organization giving students the opportunity to compete in over 40 different events individually or within a group setting against other schools. This season, we will be going to Indiana State University for the state competition in late February. If students advance, TSA Nationals is in Dallas, TX late June. There are also many awesome opportunities for leadership outside of competition throughout TSA and our club. Finally, Opportunities abound in robotics; needed are individuals who can operate a gaming control, program or code, or build. The team(s) will decide how often we compete and the location. The STEM club and Robotics High School Advisor is Mrs. LeFever. We meet on Tuesday’s in Mrs. LeFever’ room 901.