Machine Trades 3
MT-3 Advanced Machine Trades 2 |
Advanced Machine Trades 2 (aka: MT-3):
Goals, Requirements, and Grading
As a third year student, you have three options to get the most out of our class and work towards a successful career.
1. On-The-Job Training (OJT)
2. Join in with current 2nd year students with their projects
3. Design, engineer, machine and build an independent complex assembly.
Any choice must be your own, do not let others persuade you to complete a project you will not enjoy. Due to the fact that you will be spending a great deal of the next 9 months on this choice, think through it with a great deal of seriousness.
A student may only change his/her choice with instructor approval once throughout the school year.
Choice 1: (OJT)
- Student will receive real-life work experience in the work place.
- The student will gain employment at a local machining related shop (Machine shop, Tool and Die shop, Moldmaking shop, Fabricating)
- The student will bring contact information of direct supervisor to the instructor for approval.
- The student will gain approval from home school principal to drive to workplace during school day.
- The student will complete a work “diary” and turn in each grading period.
- Must be pre-approved by instructor
- Must be specifically Machining or Manufacturing
- Must have signed OJT contract on file
- Grades will be determined by direct supervisor and instructor using work ethic, attendance, quality and quantity of work, Interpersonal relations with co-workers
Choice 2: Current year MT-2 Project
- Achieve more experience machining by following along with the MT-2 project. Since each year’s project is different, a third year student will gain more experience by machining different parts and fixtures.
- The Student will join with the current year MT-2 class in designing, engineering and machining a complex assembly project.
- The student will not have voting rights on what “Complex assembly” project will be made (ex. Engine-vs-Milling machine) but will vote on specific items (ex. Horizontal-vs-Vertical 2 cycle engine).
- The student will be an integral part of the Machinist group scholarship project
- Grades will be determined the same as in MT-2 by using project quality, shop grades, etc. with the same due dates as MT-2.
Choice 3: Independent complex assembly
- Design, Engineer, Machine, and Assemble a complex assembly project(s) of the student’s choice.
- The Student will:
o Create drawings, sketches, and assembly drawings of design prior to starting the project(s)
o Create inspection / Grading criteria on parts made for their independent project(s)
o Create a list of “Due Dates” for each milestone such as “Completion of prints” and “Completion of …. Part
o Locate and purchase any items needed for the assembly. (ex. fasteners, bearings, chains, wires, etc.)
o Contact local newspapers upon completion and help with writing an article about the project. Including pictures and interviews
o Complete a journal in a three-ring binder including beginning sketches, Final CAD drawings of each part, Pictures of each part, Descriptions of each part, List of people/companies that donated items, Receipts of purchased parts, Approximate total price of purchased parts, Post Mortem Report.
o Deliver a Framed Thank-You to each company and/or Individual who donated items to their project.
- The project will include:
o The utilization of all machines, software, and equipment of machines at South Adams Machine Trades
§ Vertical Mill, Horizontal Mill, Drill Presses, Surface Grinder, Cylindrical Grinder, Polisher, Horz. and Vert. Bandsaw, Arc Welder, TIG Welder, Heat-Treat Furnace, Hardness Tester, Lathes, CNC mills, CNC Lathe, Sinker EDM, Inspection Equipment, Etc
§ SurfCAM, Solid Edge, Esprit, Microsoft Office, etc.
§ Hand tools
o Additional tools may be located from local shops and classes. Students may need to arrange use of these items in class or go to the location of the machinery on their own time before or after school.
§ Example: plasma cutter, Water Jet, Pipe bender, Shear, Brake, Slip roll, etc.)
- Grades will be determined similar to MT-1/MT-2 by using project quality, shop grades, etc. with the same due dates as MT-2.