1:1 Laptop Program
High School students use a Windows laptop, newly assigned as a Freshman, and are responsible for their assigned laptop throughout their high school years.
South Adams Schools is providing free of charge the Device Repair Program to ALL students during the 2024-2025 school year that covers a one-time accidental repair within the current school year. The parent/student will be charged for additional repairs if any should occur after the first damage. If several claims occur, the student may be denied access to an assigned laptop and may be required to use older model laptops located in the library which cannot be taken home.
For more information on the device repair plan coverage, please read the following documents:
High School Device Maintenance Plan
ATTENTION PARENTS: If you do not have The Internet at home and are looking for an affordable way to obtain it, check out this website: https://internetessentials.com/apply ($9.95 per month plus tax with no credit check, no term contract, no installation fee, 10Mps, and in-home WiFi included.)